Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Its Over!~

Shirley is back =) like finally haha
I am currently having my semester break now but still, busy doing some preparation for camps and student exchange and UPM's events. Thank God for bringing me through the semester, it was hectic and emotional yet fun and full of blessings. Thank God for not forgetting me and didn't abandon me even when I have so many complaints. 
So, lets see what i've done in this 4th semester of mine ..

1) Makan Makan dan Makan
    I have random coursemates who always say they wanna go happy and so, we always have our happy and random plans such as Subway and KFC breakfast Tony Roman's and Thai Up lunch, the Uniten Cendol tea time, and also Kuala Selangor + Genting trip. 

Not forgetting my friends for the nice and cozy Lavein Lunch, Tokyo Kitchen & Donnutes Personal Retreat, Milo Time in library, Bonga Random Dinner, BBQ plaza with dear roomies, and a lot more...wow...getting fatter omo.

    Involved in quite a number of events which is one of the reason why I am so busy i guess. I am blessed to have the chance to be the photographer for some of the events too.

Pesta Ang Pau UPM

Live 2 Dance

华乐之 樂蕾

Aisec Miracle

 3) Attending meetings
     Photos are not available haha...meetings for a lot of things, hmmm, but still, have fun in it =)

4) Serving
    Serve in Ikatan Kristian UPM ( I have a lot of crazy ideas - draw over 500 files together haha) , serve in Praise and Worship Night, Serve in church's mission plan and so on.. Really glad to serve together with brothers and sisters in Christ. They are always my role model.

 5) Photoshoots

 6) Music is Life
     Attending some jazz recitals and orchestral performances. Didn't get to take photos cause dun dare to make any noises oops..

I think i left out some stuffs but I couldn't recall back. Although I am quite erm overwhelmed with something sad, but overall, it was a good semester because it is OVER!!! Anticipating my holidays now woots..

Au Revoir